The world of diamonds and gems can often be confusing and difficult to navigate. We’re here to help! Misfit Gem Labs is a series with new episodes monthly(ish) where we share our gemmological knowledge in hopes to create educational resources for you to be able to help your clients better! Have a question? Get in touch!
Rounding out our series on The Four C’s is Carat. Unlike our favourite orange root vegetable the Carrot, and the golden measure of gold purity, the Karat, Carat is a measure of weight, equal to 1/5th of a gram (or 0.2 grams). Carat is a helpful indicator of a diamond’s size and price. If we’re speaking in terms of well-cut round brilliant diamonds (see Part 1: Cut), we can often infer a diamond’s approximate carat weight based on its diameter. For example, a round brilliant diamond with a diameter of approximately 5.1mm should have a weight of roughly 0.50ct, while a diamond with a diameter of 6.5mm weighs roughly 1.00ct. While many factors play into estimating weight on a mounted stone, a jeweller or appraiser will have to account for a deeper or shallower stone, a thick/thin girdle, etc., and adjust their estimation accordingly. Carat will also determine a gemstone’s price. Along with the other three C’s, a diamond will be placed into a specific category that will then determine its price-per-carat. White diamonds are priced according to their clarity and color by size categories (0.50-0.69ct; 0.70-0.89ct; 0.90-0.99ct; 1-1.49ct; 1.5-1.99ct, 2-2.99ct, 3-3.99ct, 4-4.99ct and 5ct+) with diamonds at the top end of each size category (ie 0.80ct; 1.30ct; 1.8ct, 2.8ct) trading at premiums above those at the bottom.
Following up on Part One of the Four C's, this episode dives into the second C, Color - the sea of Color you can see in Diamonds (see what I did there?). The D-Z color scale that we use today was created by GIA’s Richard Liddicoat in the 1950’s as an approach to grading colorless to light yellow diamonds, with D-E-F being at the colorless end of the spectrum and X-Y-Z being light yellow, brown or grey. While the majority in our industry espouse colorless diamonds in the D to J range, valuing the absence of color in a stone, we think that it's a shame to stop there, because as you enter into the spectrum of color that begins at K-L-M, things begin to get interesting. From here, diamonds begin to have light tints of color, giving them subtle casts of silver or warm to golden tones which intensify further along the color scale. The presence of trace elements like nitrogen, hydrogen, and boron, as well as mineral or cloud inclusions also can manifest in the wide spectrum of colors known as Fancy Color Diamonds, which we covered previously in our series, “The Joy of Fancy Colors.” These colors range from vibrant pinks, blues and greens to rich browns and yellows, as well as a handful of misfits like Fancy Blacks, Fancy Whites and Fancy Greys. What color are the diamonds you wear, and what are your favourite colors in the Diamond world?
You will recognize Josh as the token gemologist from previous Misfit Gem Labs episodes. Josh is in fact a real life gemologist, and he's here to elaborate on Part 1 of our last episode on heat treatment in sapphires - the reasons behind heat treatment, some of the history of these treatment methods and the different techniques used to heat sapphires.
Read the full transcript here.
Geographic origin plays a big part in the appearance of gemstones, and sapphires are no exception! First discovered in the 1800s, the majority of Montana Sapphires were deemed too imperfect to be used in fine jewelry and were used primarily by the American watch industry. Did someone say “imperfections”? Imperfection is our middle name! (Literally, everyone on staff ... it's in our contracts.) It wasn’t until recently that people began to embrace the natural, wild beauty of these stones. Sapphires from Montana are known for two things: their color—ranging from striking and bold, to soft, unheated pastels; and their inclusions—often displaying hexagonal color-zoning, parti coloring, or silky sheen caused by rutile, a mineral that gets trapped inside sapphires during the growth process. Sapphires are often heated to enhance their color and dissolve rutile, but unheated stones preserve their natural appearance and, when rutile appears in high concentration, a silky sheen. Although the majority of sapphires mined in Montana end up heated and under one carat, Misfit Diamonds has one of the largest collections of unheated Montana sapphires over 1.00ct. Browse our Montana sapphires!
What exactly is a Misfit Diamond? It won’t take you long browsing our online catalog to notice that we carry a lot of unusual looking diamonds, unfamiliar colors and shapes, often with whole worlds trapped inside. These oddballs tell stories that are unlike any other, and stand out from crowd, allowing for some remarkable jewelry creations. A diamond’s misfit-ness is highlighted by its inclusions. You know them as "those little wispy things" or "those peppery bits," but more formally, some examples of diamond inclusions are: feathers, internal fractures that have a feathery appearance; clouds, groups of microscopic minerals; or other minerals and crystals - at times even diamond crystals. Commonly, the black spots in diamonds have been thought to be carbon; however, we're setting the record straight! The black spots are rarely carbon, but are usually other black minerals usually pertaining to the amphibole or pyroxene groups (which are really just fancy words for other rocks). Find your unique Misfit.
If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like here at Misfit Diamonds when you order a diamond or a sapphire, A Circadian Chronicle of Corundum (with Carlo Constantino) is a glimpse into the journey from order to delivery. Okay sure, it might not always be via vintage-typewriter-transcribed-paper-airplane letter, but when a jeweler orders a stone through our online store or by email, that stone is automatically removed from our online inventory and pulled manually by our staff. If they are looking for something that isn’t on our webstore, they can reach out and make a request based on their specific needs, after which our team will select any available options and correspond accordingly. Once the client has selected their stone(s), we ship it out and wait to see their creation on social media!
Stones in this short: Montana Sapphires, Australian Sapphires, Sri Lankan Sapphires
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